Baltimore mayoral candidate Sheila Dixon speaks on endorsement from State’s Attorney Ivan Bates

Former Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon, the Democratic candidate for mayor, appeared with T.J. Smith on Wednesday afternoon, days after she received an endorsement from City State’s Attorney Ivan Bates.

Dixon said she is humbled by the endorsement and that she is happy that he has the confidence in her.

“I’m humbled that the state’s attorney has confidence in me being a great partner with the state’s attorney’s office,” Dixon said. “I know it’s taken a lot for him to come to this decision.”

Dixon noted that her predecessor as mayor, Martin O’Malley, had a tense relationship with then-State’s Attorney Patricia Jessamy. Dixon said as mayor, she worked to improve that relationship.

Dixon would not say if she would keep Richard Worley as the city’s police commissioner if she was elected, saying she would have to meet with him first.

“Ten years from now, my hope is our crime will be so low that other cities will come to Baltimore to look at the collaborations and partnerships,” Dixon said.

The full interview can be watched above.