Gonzales Poll: More than half of Maryland voters approve of job by Gov. Moore

Maryland voters offered their opinions on numerous topics in the latest Gonzales Poll, which included their views of how Gov. Wes Moore has done in office.

Gonzales Poll: Part 1 results

The February Gonzales Poll of 815 registered voters was conducted between Jan. 23 and Feb. 2. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5%.

Gov. Wes Moore job approval:

More than half of voters in Maryland approved of the job that Moore has done since taking office.

Among voters in Maryland, 58% approve of the job Moore is doing as governor. Among voters, 27.4% strongly approve and 30.3% somewhat approve. While 28.2% disapprove, 15.2% strongly disapprove and 13.0% somewhat disapprove.

Democrats heavily supported Moore, with a 74% approval rating, while more than half of Republicans were discouraged by Moore’s term so far, with a 56.9% disapproval rating.

Democrats heavily supported Moore, with a 74% approval rating, while more than half of Republicans were discouraged by Moore’s term so far, with a 56.9% disapproval rating.

Breakdown of Moore’s job approval, disapproval rating in Maryland:
Democrat:  74% – 15%
Republican: 27% –  57%
Independent: 52% – 26%