Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski announces run for Congress

Baltimore County Executive John Olszewski Jr. is officially running for Congress.

Olszewski is running for Maryland’s 2nd Congressional District and has listed his past as a public school teacher, along with being a legislator and current county executive, as reasons to continue to serve the community.

In a video regarding the announcement, Olszewski said, “It’s time for Washington to have a new generation of leaders, leaders who will fight back against those who would destroy our democracy.”

If elected, Olszewski would take over congressman Dutch Ruppersberger’s district. Ruppersberger recently announced he would not seek reelection at the end of his current term.

“Together, we have modernized Baltimore County’s government, made historic investments in our schools, roads, parks, and beyond, and tackled issues like gun safety, police reform, and attainable housing. I’m running for Congress so that we can help do the same in D.C.,” Olszewski said. “It’s time for a new generation of leaders in Washington who will defend our democracy, ensure Maryland remains a beacon of hope for women and choice, act with urgency to combat climate change and work to lower costs for our families. We can do all this — and more — just as we’ve always done: together.”

Olszewski served nine years in the House of Delegates and is a former public school teacher. Originally from Dundalk, he is a Sparrows Point High School alumni. He and his wife, Marisa, have a 7-year-old daughter.

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