Gov. Moore estimates $2 billion needed for Key Bridge, talks Morin and immigration

Gov. Wes Moore said in an interview with CBS’ “Face the Nation” over the weekend that rebuilding the Key Bridge will likely cost close to $2 billion. Moore said the state needs federal money to get the project completed in a timely manner.

He is pushing for a 100% federal cost share, meaning the federal government would cover the entire cost.

“I need to get this done on time and on budget,” Moore said. “We know that in order to move fast, we’ve got to get that 100% cost share. So we are spending time working with- with members of both sides of the aisle, Democrats and Republicans.”

The governor also spoke out on the Rachel Morin case, the 37-year-old mother found murdered last August in Harford County.

The Harford County sheriff called out the president and Congress for “failed immigration policies” when announcing that an immigrant living in the country illegally had been arrested for Morin’s death.

Moore said he agreed with the sheriff and said the nation has an immigration policy that needs to be dealt with.

“We have an immigration policy that needed to have been dealt with and was not,” Moore said. “And the consequences then fall on us as the chief executives of our state, the consequences fall on us as the leaders of our individualized jurisdictions. And– and we know that we have got to fix a broken immigration policy. And we know that we need Congress to act on this.”

He referenced President Biden’s executive order on immigration, saying he agrees with the action, but it is not going to be enough. Moore says Congress needs to be on the same page when it comes to stricter border policies.

Source: WBAL