Boundaries in a friendship, Paying for your partners maintenance | The Baltimore Lean Show – What are the boundaries in a friendship. Should your partner have to pay for your maintenance? What is the best place to smash at? The Baltimore Lean Show 3/15/24 broadcast

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Mayor Scott announces indictments of 12 alleged drug traffickers in Southwest Baltimore crackdown

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott was joined by the police commissioner and other city officials on Thursday, March 14 to announce the indictments of 12 individuals allegedly associated with a drug trafficking organization (DTO.)

The activity took place in the southwest Baltimore neighborhood of Irvington. It was reported that the suspects were operating out of the 200 block of Collins Avenue and the 4100 block of Frederick Avenue. A four-month-long investigation that began in November, conducted by the State’s Attorney’s Office and Baltimore Police Department, led to 10 search warrants on a DTO. Detectives recovered nine firearms, 38 grams of suspected fentanyl mixture, 6.5 pounds of marijuana, 256 grams of suspected heroin, and approximately 69 grams of suspected cocaine.

“GVRS’s core mission is to provide a choice to those responsible for driving violence in our city and inflicting harm upon our communities — take a pathway out of the life with our help or ultimately be removed from our streets and held accountable to the full extent of the law,” Scott said in a news release.

“We always want them to take the first option, but when we’ve exhausted efforts to make that happen, they must be held accountable. I want to thank the State’s Attorney’s Office’s Major Investigations Unit and BPD’s Group Violence Unit for their diligence in holding these group members accountable.

Together, we are sending a unified message that those who violate our anti-violence mandate and continue to be involved in group violence will be held accountable.”

Those indicted included a juvenile, Parris Harris, 19, Mikel Wilson, 20, Leaniel Collins, 22, Jamie Kesler, 28, Joseph Barnes, 30, Matthew Bahr, 30, Domick Williams, 31, James Taylor, 31 ,Chris Tomlin, 32, and 35-year-olds Larry Spriggs and Kevin Williams.

“This latest operation illustrates that GVRS is working and shows what we can accomplish when we collaborate,” Police Commissioner Richard Worley said in a news release. “As the drug overdose epidemic rages on in our neighborhoods, we must use every resource and strategy available to dismantle the drug trafficking organizations and put them out of business. Thanks to the tireless efforts of BPD’s GVU/Anti-Crime Unit, the State’s Attorney’s Office, The Mayor’s Office, MONSE, and our many federal, state, and local law enforcement partners, we were able to do that in this case. We must all continue to work together to reduce crime in our city and improve the quality of life for all.”

Electronic surveillance and undercover officers were used during the course of the investigation to gather evidence. Based on the information they gathered, detectives believe Joseph Barnes and Chris Tomlin were the alleged leaders of the organization.

The searches were conducted at the following locations:

  • 4100 block of Woodbridge Road
  • 4300 block of Eldone Road
  • 4300 block of Garrison Blvd
  • 600 block of Brisbane Road
  • 4500 block of Manorview Road
  • 4700 block of Amberly Avenue
  • 1600 block of Bluffdale Road (Baltimore County)
  • 200 block of Collins Avenue
  • 2500 block of Gatehouse Drive
  • 500 block of Parksley Avenue

White House encourages House Republicans to ‘move on’ from their Biden impeachment effort

President Joe Biden’s top White House lawyer is encouraging House Speaker Mike Johnson to end his chamber’s efforts to impeach the president over unproven claims that he benefited from the business dealings of his son and brother. White House counsel Ed Siskel wrote in a Friday letter to Johnson, R-La., that testimony and records turned over to the House Oversight and Judiciary committees have failed to establish any wrongdoing and that even Republican witnesses have poured cold water on the impeachment effort. It comes a month after federal prosecutors charged an ex-FBI informant who was the source of some of the most explosive allegations with lying about the Bidens and undisclosed Russian intelligence contacts.

“It is obviously time to move on, Mr. Speaker,” Siskel wrote. “This impeachment is over. There is too much important work to be done for the American people to continue wasting time on this charade.”

The rare communique from the White House counsel’s office comes as Republicans, their House majority shrinking ever further with early departures, have come to a near-standstill in their Biden impeachment inquiry. Johnson has acknowledged that it’s unclear if the Biden probe will disclose impeachable offenses and that “people have gotten frustrated” that it has dragged on this long. But he insisted as he opened a House Republican retreat late Wednesday in West Virginia that the “slow and deliberate” process is by design as investigators do the work.

( L to R) Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), Rep. James Comer (R-Ky), chairman of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) during a House Committee on Oversight and Accountability hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on September 28, 2023. The hearing is the first formal hearing regarding the US House impeachment inquiry into US President Joe Biden. (Photo by Mandel NGAN / AFP) (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

“Does it reach the ‘treason, high crimes and misdemeanor’ standard?” Johnson said, referring to the Constitution’s high bar for impeachment. “Everyone will have to make that evaluation when we pull all the evidence together.”

Without the support from their narrow ranks to impeach the Democratic president, the Republican leaders are increasingly eyeing criminal referrals to the Justice Department of those they say may have committed potential crimes for prosecution. It is unclear to whom they are referring.

Still, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer is marching ahead with a planned hearing next week despite Hunter Biden’s decision not to appear . Instead, the panel will hear public testimony from several former business partners of the president’s son.

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre delivers the latest news from the White House.

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Vice President Harris Roundtable Conversation about Marijuana Reform

Vice President Kamala Harris will host a cannabis policy discussion Friday featuring rapper Fat Joe, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshar and individuals who received pardons for related offenses, Politico reported.

The discussion comes as the Biden administration pushes for marijuana reform. During his State of the Union speech last week, President Joe Biden said his cabinet will “review the federal classification of marijuana.”