Parents of OnlyFans Model Accused of Killing BF Get Arrested for Alleged Evidence Tampering

In the case of the Onlyfans model charged with murdering her boyfriend, new developments involve the arrest of Courtney Clenny’s parents. Following the return of Clenney’s family’s apartment by the police, her father discovered potential evidence that was not immediately reported. Deborah Clenney (57) and Kim Clenney (60) were arrested in connection with the case for allegedly attempting to conceal evidence during the cleanup of their daughter’s apartment.

Kim Clenney reportedly found his daughter’s boyfriend’s laptop, Christian Obumseli, in the apartment, attempted to access it, and later handed it over to his attorneys. Clenney is accused of killing Obumseli in April 2022, with her parents now facing charges related to evidence concealment. Obumseli’s family claims a history of domestic abuse, while Clenney maintains she acted in self-defense.

The family attorney released the following statement amid the recent arrests: 

We’re extremely surprised and very concerned about the arrest of the Clenney family; this could be an example of prosecutorial overreach and misconduct. It appears excessive in that the family is now confined in jail awaiting an extradition hearing on what may be an attempt to manipulate media headlines and discredit them before Thursday’s scheduled hearing on a gag order in the case. The Clenneys have quite a story and it’s a story the State of Florida may does not want the public to hear.

We believe the Clenney family has been targeted with some trumped up charges to discredit them in the press and make their lives miserable. It stinks of a power play by prosecutors to control the narrative. This Thursday, the State is seeking a gag order in the case. Now they’ve gone after Courtney’s Mom and Dad in such a way that requires them to spend considerable time in jail without bond. Had they done this in Florida, the charge has a $5,000 bond, i.e., $500 to a bondsman, and that’s it. It appears the prosecutors are going for media mileage in this one with little or no evidence as we have yet to know what the true accusations are. It’s unnecessary and distasteful. All they had to do was a phone call and we would have been in court. It’s so inexcusable.

Mark Zuckerberg Apologizes to Families of Children Harmed Online During Senate Hearing

In a powerful moment during a hearing on Capitol Hill, Senator Josh Hawley questioned Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about the harmful effects of his platform on young users. Hawley specifically asked Zuckerberg about the alarming statistics that showed 37% of teenage girls between 13 and 15 were exposed to unwanted nudity on Instagram in a week. He demanded to know who had been fired and if any compensation had been provided to the victims.

Zuckerberg seemed reluctant to answer these questions, stating that he didn’t think it was appropriate to discuss internal decisions or compensation. Hawley continued to press him, highlighting the families of victims who were present at the hearing and deserved answers. He accused Zuckerberg of not taking any significant action to address these issues and failing to apologize to the victims. Hawley asked if Zuckerberg would take personal responsibility and set up a victims’ compensation fund using his own money, to which Zuckerberg provided evasive responses.

The hearing then shifted to a discussion about TikTok, which is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance. Hawley accused TikTok of surveilling Americans and giving access to user data to the Chinese Communist Party. He demanded to know why the platform should not be banned in the United States.

Zuckerberg denied Hawley’s claims, stating that they were not accurate and that TikTok had made progress in protecting data. However, Hawley presented evidence from The Wall Street Journal that showed TikTok employees in China still had access to private information of American citizens, including birth dates and IP addresses.

Hawley concluded by asserting that TikTok should be banned in the United States due to concerns about the security of American citizens’ data being in the hands of a foreign government. The hearing was a poignant and impactful moment, with Senator Hawley holding Zuckerberg and ByteDance accountable for the harmful effects and potential security risks associated with their platforms.

Overall, this hearing shed light on the challenges and concerns surrounding social media platforms and the need for stricter regulations to protect users’ safety and privacy. It remains to be seen how the findings of this hearing will impact the future of Facebook, TikTok, and online platforms in general.