Keefe D to Appear in Court, Seeking to Get on House Arrest Pending Trial

Previously, reports noted that Duane “Keefe D” Davis and his legal team requested bail but were shut down by prosecutors who claimed he was “too dangerous” to be released

However, Davis’ lawyers feel this shouldn’t stop him from being able to be put on house arrest. Keefe D’s team is expected to ask the judge in his case to allow him to be placed on house arrest pending his trial.

News of this comes after Davis’ lawyers said all of Keefe D’s 2Pac statements were for “entertainment.”

source: Law & Crime

Claudine Gay resigns as Harvard University president

Claudine Gay had faced mounting pressure to step down in recent weeks. In a letter announcing her resignation, she said it was in the “best interests” of the university for her to go. “It has been distressing to have doubt cast on my commitments to confronting hate and to upholding scholarly rigour,” she said.

“This is not a decision I came to easily. Indeed, it has been difficult beyond words,” Dr Gay wrote, adding that her resignation would allow Harvard to “focus on the institution rather than any individual”.

The 53-year-old served as president for six months and was the first black person, and the second woman, to be appointed to lead the Ivy League university. Her tenure was the shortest in its 388-year history.

Harvard is one of several universities in the US accused of failing to protect its Jewish students following the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war in October. Jewish groups have reported an alarming rise in antisemitic incidents in the US since the conflict began.

During a tense congressional hearing last month, Dr Gay said calls for the killing of Jews were abhorrent. She added, however, that it would depend on the context whether such comments would constitute a violation of Harvard’s code of conduct regarding bullying and harassment.